Tartarus Press


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Machenalia is no longer in print.


Bibliography item 3



 by Divers Hands



item 3a: first edition

Description: 2 Stapled booklets

Pages: 57 and 62.

ISBN: 1872621031 and 187262104X

Illustrations: Cover illustration by John Coulthart

Publication: 1990

Price: £6 for the two.

Notes: Two volumes of critical essays on a wide range of themes and all aspects of Machen's writings. Authors include Godfrey Brangham, Michael Butterworth, Roger Dobson, Kenneth Faig Jr., John Howard, Dale J. Nelson, Gregory Ventre, Vincent Williams and Jonathon Wood.

Due to typographical errors a large part of the run was pulped and a revised edition was printed on demand.


item 3b: second edition

Notes: As above, with corrections.



'Contains some very meritorious material... Volume II is still more substantial, containing some of the best criticism of Machen in recent years.' Studies in Weird Fiction

'An excellent magazine' It Goes on the Shelf

Copyright Tartarus Press 2024